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Managing Director Message

Director Message

“Technology is transforming the world, and here at IAT we are making an unprecedented push to prepare students for this new world. During this time of rapid global change, we must consider how we educate our students. Our educational philosophy has been a strong initiative in our educational programs, which is to encourage, educate and prepare our youth to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics-related fields. To attain these goals, IAT has deepened and expanded its national presence in recent years. The school continues to work toward its vision to “Create a world-class Career Technical Education (CTE) system that will produce the scientists, engineers and technicians needed for the UAE to build a knowledge-based economy.” Initiatives such as STEAM, 21st Century skills and cross-curricular planning have enabled us to move closer towards our goals for our young Emirati future leaders.

IAT is committed to providing an education that combines rigorous instruction with cutting-edge best practice and technology, by integrating international and national standards as well as entwining 21st Century skills within each of our programs. Student education will advance in technical knowledge and skills through STEAM integration, critical analysis and the ability to connect the classroom instruction with real life situations, in addition to fostering a sense of life-long learning that is critical in today’s rapidly changing workplace and innovation-driven global economy. Our curriculum empowers our students to analyze, imagine and create for a better lifestyle for future generations.

I am extremely honored to be part of IAT at this time and totally committed to continue leading one of the best learning communities that work diligently to meet our mission of world-class education. May our future years bring prosperity and achievements to all.

Ali Mohamed Al Almarzooqi

Acting Managing Director, IAT